Winning the Talent Management Battle: Strategic Workforce Planning

If you feel like you are struggling to survive in the talent management battle, join the club. The intersection of change in business focus, increased focus on costs, dynamics of the workforce, available options for work, plus the warp speed of disruption and change make old ways of managing talent a sure loser. Winning in the talent management game in today’s environment is about strategy: holding both a current and future view on talent, moving from ad hoc to strategic approaches for talent acquisition and development and having a well-articulated plan. In this session, you will learn:

  • How to build an effective strategic workforce plan that encompasses goals and requirements for talent acquisition, talent development, diversity and succession.
  • How to develop or gather the right data, metrics and other industry and marketplace insights from internal and external sources and interpret that data to drive success of strategic goals and aims around your workforce plan development.
  • How to leverage the plan to support near and long-term talent acquisition and development requirements and the budget requirements
  • How to guide your organization through the change management that is necessary to execute the workforce plan, moving your organization’s management practices from ad hoc to strategic approaches. align organizational performance with the organization’s strategic goals

Terri Hartwell Easter, Founder and Principal, T.H. Easter Consulting